2010年7月26日 星期一

撼動鐵幕的火光 ~Wind of Change

Scorpions - Wind Of Change (1989)

Lyrics & Music: Klaus Meine

I folow the Moskva

Down to Gorky Park

Listening to the wind of change

An August summer night

Soldiers passing by

Listening to the wind of change

The world is closing in

Did you ever think

That we could be so close, like brothers

The future's in the air

I can feel it everywhere

Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

in the wind of change

Walking down the street

Distant memories

Are buried in the past forever

I folow the Moskva

Down to Gorky Park

Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams

With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

in the wind of change

The wind of change

Blows straight into the face of time

Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell

For peace of mind

Let your balalaika sing

What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams

With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

in the wind of change

在這支MV裡可以看到1989民運、東歐的人民革命、蘇聯的解體以及柏林圍牆被推倒之後的兩德統一畫面,這是來自德國的搖滾樂團 Scorpions (天蠍)1988年在當年蘇聯列寧格勒的演唱會,讓蘇聯當局在一年後的1989年同意在莫斯科舉辦一場難得一見的搖滾和平音樂會。

在這場音樂節中,Scorpions 就在這二十多萬名蘇聯搖滾樂迷歡呼聲中演唱,當時還有其他重金屬搖滾如 Bon Jovi、蘇俄樂團 Gorky Park (出現在歌詞中)。

1989年9月,Scorpions 主唱 Klaus Meine 將這場演出的經驗和感受寫下,成為樂團的暢銷單曲「Wind Of Change」,收錄在1991年「Crazy World」之中。

Scorpions - Crazy World (1990)


1989年底,一切似乎來得太快,象徵冷戰標誌的柏林圍牆被推倒了。「Wind Of Change」成為壓垮鐵幕共產主義和冷戰結束時期的代表國歌。

1990年,Roger Waters 具聲光效果的搖滾製作 The Wall 在柏林圍牆舊址舉行,Scorpions 也獲邀參與演唱,當夜只能以「撼動人心」來形容。

Scorpions 也出過俄文版的「Wind Of Change」。1991年他們受前蘇聯領袖戈巴契夫的邀請,到克寧姆林宮參加一場研討會。

想必戈巴契夫也是他們的 fans,哈哈。

Scorpions - Lovedrive (1979)

收錄 Scorpions 在1979年專輯中第三首的「Always Somewhere」,在1984年他們以「Still Loving You」打入台灣市場後才順勢提高了知名度,這也再一次地顯示了80'年代台灣西洋音樂的商業主流仍然是以抒情歌曲為主,而不同於一般輕吟軟語的情歌,搖滾樂團所演唱的抒情(搖滾)歌曲之所以令人更加感動,一方面除了樂手本身擅長以奔放豐沛的嗓音加強其所表達的澎湃情感之外,各人樂器的演繹使得歌曲在人聲之外更有一份延續性的效果。

Scorpions - Always Somewhere (1979)

Music: Rudolf Schenker

Lyrics: Klaus Meine

Arrive at seven the place feels good

No time to call you today

Encores till eleven then Chinese food

Back to the hotel again

I call your number the line ain't free

I like to tell you come to me

A night without you seems like a lost dream

Love I can't tell you how I feel

Always somewhere

Miss you where I've been

I'll be back to love you again

Another morning another place

The only day off is far away

But every city has seen me in the end

And brings me to you again

Always somewhere

Miss you where I've been

I'll be back to love you again


Scorpions - Pure Instinct (1996)

Scorpions - You And I (1996)

Lyrics & Music: Klaus Meine

I lose control because of you babe

I lose control when you look at me like this

There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight

I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door

To a new exciting life

It's all written down in your lifelines

It's written down inside your heart

You and I just have a dream

To find our love a place, where we can hide away

You and I were just made

To love each other now, forever and a day

I lose control because of you babe

I lose control don't look at me like this

There's something in your eyes that is saying tonight

I'm so curious for more just like never before

In my innocent life

It's all written down in your lifelines

It's written down inside your heart

You and I just have a dream

To find our love a place, where we can hide away

You and I were just made

To love each other now, forever and a day

Time stands still when the days of innocence

Are falling for the night

I love you girl I always will

I swear I'm there for you

Till the day I die

You and I just have a dream

To find our love a place, where we can hide away

You and I were just made

To love each other now, forever and a day

在這篇主題之外,曾經在網路上看過一篇短文,緣起於 Scorpions 在1982年專輯「Blackout」裡的歌曲「When The Smoke Going Down」,頗引人喟嘆於那一切消失於煙霧中、錯過的~~~


Klaus Meine (Vocals)

Rudolf Schenker (Guitars)

Matthias Jabs (Guitars)

Herman Rarebell (Drums)

Francis Buchholz (Bass)

2010年7月20日 星期二

Por Una Cabeza/一步之差~帕爾曼之探戈女人香

Por Una Cabeza by Itzhak Perlman
Itzhak Perlman 的琴聲,夜裡特別令人沉醉...
來一段他「Cinema Serenade」(電影琴聲) 中,讓人腦海浮現 Al Pacino 那段探戈的「Scent of A Woman」(女人香)~

Carlos Gardel (1933)
「Por Una Cabeza」是一首著名的西班牙語探戈舞曲,由阿根廷歌手 Carlos Gardel 作曲、Alfredo Le Pera 作詞,在 1935 年發表,也是賽馬術語之一,意指「差一個(馬)頭」或「一個馬頭的距離」,英文翻譯為「by a head (of a horse)」,白話一點叫做「一步之差」。歌詞中以賽馬場上勝負通常只差一個馬頭的距離,隱喻情人之間錯綜複雜難以割捨的惋惜。

這首眾所皆知的曲子,經常出現在許多電視、電影裡,包括「51號星球」、「黑店狂想曲」、「魔鬼大帝:真實謊言」、「女人香」、「辛德勒的名單」、「國王人馬」及「聖誕壞公公」等等,當中「Scent of Woman 女人香」因 Al Pacino 飾演的盲人在名流的眾目睽睽之下大舞本曲,使得「女人香」成為這首歌的另一個代名詞。

Carlos Gardel - Por una Cabeza (Original, 1935)

2010年7月19日 星期一



