Vanity Fare - Early in the Morning (1969)
「Vanity Fare」是 Trevor Brice、Tony Goulden、Dick Allix、Tony Jarrett 這4位同學最早於1966年的英格蘭東南部的肯特郡成立的樂團,當時平均年齡20歲的他們將團名取為「The Avengers (#復仇者聯盟)😋」,並和音樂製作人 Joe Meek 搞了幾首如取名「Marianne」的單曲,但都沒有發行;後來他們把團名改為「The Sages (先賢)」,到勝利唱片(RCA Victor label) 錄製了一張EP專輯(A、B各一首歌),同時在當地的俱樂部表演,此時認識了 Roger Easterby,成為他們的經紀人和製作人,並將團名改為「Vanity Fare」。(名稱來源於當時一本名為「Vanity Fair 」的小說)
Vanity Fare 最初成員 Trevor Brice,Tony Jarrett,Dick Allix,Barry Landeman,Tony Goulden.
Vanity Fare 在1968年的夏天發行了迷你專輯試水溫,當中主打歌是翻唱自美國樂團 The Sunrays 1965年的「I Live for the Sun」,但銷售不如預期,於是又發行2首單曲 Summer Morning 和 Highway of Dreams,結果連英國排行榜的邊都沾不上,直到1969年秋天正式發行的專輯,Mike Leander 和 Eddie Seago 寫了這首「Early in the Morning」,讓他們一舉登上英國排行榜第8名、美國 Billboard Hot 100 第12名、CashBox 第10名、Easy Listening 排行榜第4名、(1970年初)加拿大 RPM100 排行榜第10名,全球銷售破百萬張,更為他們挣得了首座金唱片獎。
Vanity Fare - Early in the Morning (Single, 1969)
Vanity Fare | LP Cover Art (1969)
● 附帶一提,英國貓王 Cliff Richard 於1969年底在日本、澳洲和一些歐洲國家也發行了這首「Early in the Morning」。1969年12月在日本排名第1,後來在被列為日本「1970年外國熱曲」名單中的第13位。
「Early in the Morning」Single by Cliff Richard, 1969
from the album 「Tracks 'n grooves」
from the album 「Tracks 'n grooves」
Vanity Fare 加入了鍵盤手 Barry Landeman 後,緊接著發行了第2首歌、由 Peter Callander 和 Mitch Murray 所寫的:「Hitchin' a Ride」,除了立刻衝上英國排行榜第16名之外,也於1970年1月和5月分別在芝加哥廣播電台掛了2週的冠軍,美國 Hot 100 第5名,加拿大流行榜第3名。
Vanity Fare - Hitchin' a Ride (1970)
隨著美國巡迴演出之後,1970年底 Vanity Fare 又發行了2首單曲,Mike Leander 和 Eddie Seago 的 Come Tomorrow 及 Roger Cook 與 Roger Greenaway 的 Carolina's Coming Home,不過2首單曲都未能在大西洋兩邊掀起風潮,只有後來在美國發行的 Summer Morning 在排行榜第98名停留了2週,「Early in the Morning」和「Hitchin' a Ride」的燦攔輝煌有如曇花一現,1972年 Dick Allix 和 Tony Goulden 都離開了樂團,由吉他手兼歌手 Eddie Wheeler 和鼓手 Mark Ellen 取代,接下來的幾年間團員來來去去、不停更迭,儘管多有創作發表,但都無法再度攻上排行榜當中的任何一個數字,於是他們決定專注於巡迴歐洲的現場表演、打歌,偶爾才進錄音室錄製專輯;1986年參加了 #歐洲歌唱大賽;2007年,他們與 PJ Proby 一起巡迴演出;2015年8月,1972年加入的鼓手 Mark Ellen 在與樂團合作43年後退出了Vanity Fare,由 Howard Tibble 取代;雖然「Vanity Fare」這個樂團的名稱始終持續地走著,但人事已非,團員已全數更換為 Bernie Hagley、Eddie Wheeler、Howard Tibble、Steve Oakman,而他們至今仍然走在一起,在音樂的路上。
《Early in the Morning》1969
Written by Mike Leander/Eddie Seago
Produced by Roger Easterby/Des Champ
Written by Mike Leander/Eddie Seago
Produced by Roger Easterby/Des Champ
Evening, is a time of day
I find nothing much to say
Don't know what to do
But I come too
I find nothing much to say
Don't know what to do
But I come too
When its sunny in the morning
Over by the window, day is dawning
When I feel the air
I feel that life is very good to me, you know?
Over by the window, day is dawning
When I feel the air
I feel that life is very good to me, you know?
In the sun, theres so much yellow
Something in the early morning meadow
Tells me that today you're on your way
And you'll be coming home, home to me
Something in the early morning meadow
Tells me that today you're on your way
And you'll be coming home, home to me
Night time, isn't clear to me
I find nothing dear to me
Don't know what to do
But I come too
I find nothing dear to me
Don't know what to do
But I come too
When its sunny in the morning
Very, very early without warning
I can feel a newly born vibration
Sneaking up on me, again
Very, very early without warning
I can feel a newly born vibration
Sneaking up on me, again
Theres a songbird on my pillow
I can see the funny weeping willow
I can see the sun you're on your way
And you'll be coming home
I can see the funny weeping willow
I can see the sun you're on your way
And you'll be coming home
vening, is a time of day
I find nothing much to say
Don't know what to do
But I come too
I find nothing much to say
Don't know what to do
But I come too
When its sunny in the morning
Over by the window, day is dawning
When I feel the air
I feel that life is very good to me, you know?
Over by the window, day is dawning
When I feel the air
I feel that life is very good to me, you know?
In the sun, theres so much yellow
Something in the early morning meadow
Tells me that today you're on your way
And you'll be coming home to me
Something in the early morning meadow
Tells me that today you're on your way
And you'll be coming home to me
When its sunny in the morning
Very, very early without warning
I can feel a newly born vibration
Sneaking up on me, again
Very, very early without warning
I can feel a newly born vibration
Sneaking up on me, again
Theres a songbird on my pillow
I can see the funny weeping willow
I can see the sun you're on your way
And you'll be coming home
I can see the funny weeping willow
I can see the sun you're on your way
And you'll be coming home